The most secure form of wealth is knowledge
It cannot be stolen because it doesn't matter how much they take, you will still have it. It can be sneaked across borders and it's lightweight.
What is this? Am I really suggesting that information is more valuable than silver and gold and diamonds and bitcoin?
Err ... Yeah.
Because you can sell it again and again and again. Try doing that to diamonds. Or the Mona Lisa. It's doesn't matter how many copies you make, you can only sell the original once.
All knowledge is valuable. To the right people.
You know how to change an electrical plug? That's not very valuable. Maybe. But it still has value and there are still people out there who will pay for that knowledge or the use of that knowledge. And if there's more than one, you can charge them all.
know the story of The Old Engineer And The Hammer?
Personally, I think he was cheap. He could've sent them a bill that was a proportion of the saved costs of purchasing a new machine and the days of lost revenue whilst they waited for its delivery. At just 5%, that would've come to a lot more than $5,000. Or he could've come to an arrangement with the insurance company who looked after the business for a standard 10% Finders Fee for solving the problem.
Welcome to the Information Revolution, dude.
Not convinced?
OK. Let's take an example. You and me have both been declared dissidents and have to flee for our lives. We reach a remote area of the border controlled by bandits. You have 20 billion in Bitcoin which you offer to get through the border. Oops, there's a problem - no internet connection. it's too remote or there's just been a particularly large solar flare that's just put all communication satellites offline ( Impacts of Strong Solar Flares ) which scientists say is inevitable in the near future. How much do you have on you - nothing. Sorry, no good. I have some knowledge that the bandits will find useful - like where they can find medical supplies. So who gets to cross the border and flee for their lives?
Say I talk the bandits into letting you through too. Now you still have your 20 billion in Bitcoin (when you can find a connection). Me? My knowledge just increased because I've now got usable intell on those bandits that might come in useful later. And I know you have 20 billion in Bitcoin if I didn't before. Wow! Isn't it amazing how fast knowledge breeds?
Obviously, the most worthwhile knowledge to store the most wealth would be the type that most people would find valuable so I can trade with loads of people and trade at a good "price".
So, what would that be?
Now, I'm not going to tell you that because it would take all your fun away finding it out.
Oh, have I just shown how knowledge is wealth, again?
Knowledge , wealth , Wealth & Money
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