Will it work for you or against you?

Is it better to have "everything" but then lose it all, or to never get there and not know what you're missing out on?

Oh it’s best to have it and lose it because you won’t lose the most important: the knowledge of how to get it again.

You can make a million pounds and then lose it. But there is nothing in that event that can stop you making it again - or more.

I discovered this personally when I lost almost half a million pounds. I discovered that it’s only money and that the future is not the past. Was it an expensive lesson to learn? Yes. Was it worth it? I think so.

Have I earned back the half million yet? No, but each day brings the target closer. Watch this space. And am I going to stop when I reach half a million? Probaly not because I don’t know how much the next bad decision will cost me.

11 inspiring people who lost it all and came back stronger

Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from wall.alphacoders.com

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