Change Is Coming

Will it work for you or against you?

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There are many changes coming in this century, some I'm sure that you have heard of and some you may be less familiar with
The familiar ones would be climate change and monetary instability.
The less familiar ones like loss of antibiotics and the destruction of phytoplankton are probably less familiar precisely because they are so terrifying that people really don't want to talk about them. But they're coming any way and hiding your face beneath the bed sheets isn't going to stop these monsters
Climate change is only a tiny part of the problem. Plastic in the ocean is only a tiny part of the problem. Massive population increase is only a tiny part of the problem. The real problem is that all of these things (and many, many others) are actually reducing the planet's capacity to sustain life. If we carry on like this, we won't have to fly to Mars to find a dead planet, we will make this one dead.
Now, is all of this change going to be bad? Yes, very bad - but only if you ignore it. If you turn the other way, put your hands over your eyes and hope for the best, these tsunamis are going to come along and sweep away you and everything you care about.

The problem is that if we want to get out of this mess alive, we need to do two things
  1. Use our creativity to find or discover possible solutions
  2. Have the willingness to change to fit those solutions

And that's a big problem because we fear and hate both creativity and change. We fear creativity because it's been beaten out of from our youngest days by our environment. And we hate change because it brings with it two things that we find absolutely terrifying: failure and the unknown

In fact, we fear and hate change more than we fear and hate the events that are coming because we have so little idea of what is coming.

So, we are now facing a simple choice -
  • Either we change
  • Or we carry on doing what we're doing and destroy ourselves and the planet with us

So is there a solution?

Certainly, the biggest change coming could be our salvation, if we let. But a lot of people aren't going to like it .
It has been called the 3rd or even the 4th Industrial Revolution. It isn't. It would be better described as the Post-Industrial Revolution or The New Paradigm. Just as the Industrial Revolution turned everything on its head, so the Post-Industrial Revolution will turn it back. That means that everything you think you understand about the world is about to turned on its head. And that also means that everything you think you need to do to survive and prosper in the world is about to be reversed and lead to your ruination.
I know what you’re thinking:
But, Phil, none of this is new. We’ve known about this for since the Sixties. There’s even a Wikipedia page on it”
And you would be right. We have known about this for a very long time. But we haven’t prepared for it because we hate change and saw it as a bad thing. We saw the tsunami coming but we persuaded ourselves that we still had a little time left to do things the same old, comfortable ways making a little bit more money before everything changed. And so you keep putting off change until the very last moment. But all that means is that when the tsunami finally arrives, you won’t be ready and you and everything you have worked for will be swept away. I just hope you have the decency to admit that it was your fault rather than blame others for your situation (yeah, right).
People have claimed that this will be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. That description completely misses the point. It will be the biggest destruction of false wealth in human history. All of the things that people now think are worth anything – like money – will be seen as the valueless rubbish they truly are. Real wealth will be the only acceptable currency of the New Paradigm. The top 1% of “wealthy” people will suddenly find themselves in the bottom 1% of the poorest. Oh dear – what a shame!
So who will survive? The people who are ready to ride the wave.
The biggest irony is this New Paradigm works now and it works better than the lies of the Industrial Revolution. Actually, it always has. So the sooner you move over to it, the sooner you can start building wealth that will survive
So, are you going to ride the wave or get swept away? Your choice.
So, what is this New Paradigm at the heart of this revolution?
Quite simply, it is the end of the idea that humans are nothing more than cogs in a machine only useful until they can be replaced by machines and a return to the idea that humans are the sole driving force of economics because they are the only ones that can be creative.
That’s it.
It doesn’t seem so scary, does it?
Well, it is.
That apparently small change will sweep through our society and completey change the course of history.
Here is how it will do this.
The first casualty will be that we're going to stop measuring things in terms of money and start measuring them in terms of wealth - which people think is just another word for money but is actually something completely different. We will understand that money cannot create wealth - only humans can do that.
This will lead to the next casualty: the rejection of the job and the return of the concept of work - that is, a move away from someone else telling you how to do a job that is dull and probably meaningless over to you finding work that inspires and excites you. If humans are the only ones that can create wealth, we will start to see useless jobs as a waste of resources and start demanding work that fulfills us human beings because that is the only way to create serious wealth.
The next casualty will be competition. When you limit and control a resource as we have done with money, you create a Poverty mindset because the only way you can have more is for someone else to have less. This breeds competition where you see others as enemies who want your stuff. When you realise that wealth may be produced by any human being, you understand that there is no limit and the Povery Mindset is replaced by an Abundance Mindset. The consequence of that is that competition is seen as bad and the New Paradigm is collaboration: I can only help myself by helping others.
Putting money back into its subordinate position to wealth and replacing competition with collaboration is going to mean the death of capitalism and the present global economic system based on money. This will lead to the collapse of international businesses and banking as we now understand them
The decentralisation of wealth production will cause a movement away from centralised systems of authority of the majority to decentralised systems where you exercise more control over your life and can pursue what is important to you. This will lead to the obsolescence of democracy and with that the need for national governments.
So, we started with the seemingly harmless idea that humans are creative wealth producers and ended up with the complete destruction of the global economy and national governments
Are you beginning to see why some people call me a terrorist?
Now I have painted a picture where the Post-Industrial Revolution will cause the demise of the Industrial Revolution. This is not quite true. The Industrial Revolution will bring about its own demise without any help. This is the cause of the very calamities that we started with. It is in the process of doing so now. If left unchecked, it will destroy itself and us with it. However, the Post-Industrial Revolution will actually help reduce the pain and suffering by reducing the fall-out from the collapse.
The only solution to stop the bloodshed is to change as quickly as possible.
Now here's the really good news. The transition over to a Post-Industrial mindset can be easy and gradual requiring only small, simple changes and the truly wonderful thing is as we make these small, simple changes, we get immediate benefits. This is not some utopian "After the bloody and costly revolution, comrades, the few survivors will live in paradise". This is "Do the change today, see a result by tomorrow". And the beauty of them is that as you make these small, simple changes, the results start to feed off each other and start to multiply bringing greater and greater results without any increase in effort.
Personally, I think that the "terror" of making small changes that lead to a better world and a happy, healthier lifestyle to be more preferable to waiting until there is blood on the streets and having to change anyway.
So, we need to create a culture of change. But here is the problem: people are so resistant to change that they find even small, simple changes terrifying. They hate change. They want everything to stay the same. Even changes that would make them happier. This is the real reason we haven't changed so far - even in the face of annihilation and catastrophe - because we hate and fear change more than we hate and fear the threat of annihilation and catastrophe.
That is the challenge because people don't even like small changes. Change represents a loss of control. People think that if things are familiar that they are controllable. Of course, this is an illusion - but that doesn't stop people wanting to believe it.
However, the good news is that this doesn't matter. When a change hits a tipping point and enters mainstream consciousness, it just becomes assimilated without fuss. So, the task is to find and reach the tipping point.
I originally thought that the place to start was with unlearning our fear and hatred of creativity and change As they are absolutely necessary for our continued survival, the least we can do is learn to tolerate them
But Covid-19 has changed the game.
I didn’t bother with Covid-19 when it first emerged because, compared with the other massive changes I’ve mentioned here, it was a very minor player. Actually, the problem wasn’t Covid-19 at all, it was our over-reaction to it. We took a problem that was hurting perhaps 2% of the population and made it so bad that it hurt everyone – and will continue to hurt everyone for a long time to come.
Why did we do this?
I believe that it was because our present global economy was so weakened already that a small thing like Covid-19 was enough to cause catastrophic failure.
This has now caused such a climate of fear and horror that my suggestions will be seen as “solutions” rather than as the minor changes they actually are.
I can now portray the New Paradigm not as the bloody replacement to the current capitalist system but as our saviour from it – which is what it is.

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