My favourite quote about money is this:
Money will either be a good servant or it will become a terrible master
So life becomes very simple: either you are in control of money or it's in control of you. Now the exact amount is irrelevant. I have known multi-millionaires who are completely disinterested in money and I have met "poor" people who are obsessed by it; it dominates every waking thought.
When people tell you not to be influenced by money, they are giving you good advice because influence means that it's money who is in control. If I understand your words correctly, you are already a slave to money by choosing to deviate your passions where there is money. In other words, you're allowing money to be the important decider and not something else. Take two questions:
"How do I make money?" - money is in control
"How do I make money doing this important and valued work" - ah now, this is a different question because now you are asking how can money serve you in your goal of doing this important and valued work.
So find your calling first. Then look at ways of making money serve you in expression of your calling.
Money , Wealth & Money
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