Will it work for you or against you?

Who is a threat to your internet privacy?

Everyone who is after my money.

That means everyone.

We are in a feeding frenzy of unbridled lust at the moment over who gets my money. This is because the internet represents the biggest gold rush in recorded history - and everyone is invited. I don't have to pack up my mule and traipse around the world to be a part of it. As long as I have a computer and an internet, I'm right in the thick of it. And people are after my money by fair means and foul. The tricksters and thieves are trying to con me out of it and businesses are legitimately trying to datamine my activities in order to better "serve" me which amounts to exactly the same thing

People talk about the Dark Web. What they don't realise is that most of it is dark. It is being used to misinform and mislead people and so steer them to certain economic decisions and activity.

There is nothing new in this. All other forms of media have gone this very same way. Only they took a little longer and they no longer pretend to be unbiased.
You can see this by the level of news reporting in the media. There is no news anymore. It gives a completely distorted view of what is happening in the world. According to news media, what Kate Middleton is wearing today is more important than the fact that tens of thousands of children will die today as they did yesterday and as they will tomorrow.

So it is that sites once set up to help the public are now hindering it. Take TripAdvisor. It allowed people to give honest, unpaid reviews. Sounds great. However, first it was co-opted by businesses giving false positive reviews to artificially drive up their ratings and then by their competitors giving false bad reviews to drive down those same ratings. So their information is utterly flawed but TripAdvisor don't care because all it wants is the traffic.

Take Facebook. I would say that 50% of the posts on my wall are either people sharing company information in the hope of winning a prize or companies sharing information hoping to go viral. It takes real effort to see what my friends are actually doing.

Now I've only used TripAdvisor and Facebook as examples. They are not the worst and they are certainly not alone.

So, my computer is loaded with cookies, Trojans, covert software and the like with companies spying on me to learn my potential buying habits.

It's like walking out onto any street in the Third World and being accosted by hordes of children trying to beg from you, traders trying to sell to you and thieves trying to pick my pocket

If something isn't done soon, the internet will become strangled under this overgrowth and people will just stop using it.

So anyone who can offer secure and private use of the internet without this aggravation is going to become seriously rich

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