Will it work for you or against you?

What is the single biggest thing I can do to enhance cognitive function?

Do two things:

  1. When you're in "Cognitive Flow", choose a simple association like gently squeezing the main knuckle of the left index finger with your right hand. Make sure that the signal is unambiguous and that you only do it when you're in flow. This will then act as an associative trigger to help you get back into it
  2. Keep a diary of when you are in Flow and when you're not, then look at the things you do before you're in flow. Do you hear a favourite song or take a preferred route to work. What? Once you find a pattern, repeat it and see if it works. Do the same for things leading to you not being flow and avoid them.
Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from wall.alphacoders.com

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