Will it work for you or against you?

Is The Rate Of Change Increasing?

Everyone says it is.
There's article after after article telling how things are getting so much faster nowadays. And that everyone is suffering from Future Shock.
I'm not going to waste everyone's time by listing them.
Everyone says it is – but is it really.
Yes, we're seeing technological change at an unprecedented rate – a rate that would make my grandparents' heads spin.
But so what?
What is actually changing?
I first touched a computer 46 years ago. It was a dumb terminal, linked through a telephone line by modem to a mainframe in Milton Keynes about 400 miles away. Well nowadays, people connect their smartphones through wi-fi to the cloud. Yes, the technology is faster (much faster) and more powerful so you can get more stuff done and quicker – but the principle is no different from 46 years ago. It hasn't changed.
And that's not the only example or the most important.
The biggest thing that needs to change but doesn't is – Us.
The biggest problem facing us today is that we still think that we're cavemen.
  • We still slash and burn new forests instead of thinking like Modern Man and trying to revive the land that we've already abused.
  • We still think resources are limited and go to war over them
  • We still act like there are only 12 humans on this planet and so we worry about what our “friends” think instead of getting, newer better friends.

Credit: The header image is available as wallpaper from Wall.Alphacoders.com


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